Secrets of grindea walkthrough treasure maps
Secrets of grindea walkthrough treasure maps

TT: Vad gör du om regeringen inte går med på kravet? – Vi har haft det största utbrottet av covid-19, enorma kostnader, enorma intäktsbortfall och vi ser att den ekonomiska påverkan av covid-19 kommer att landa på uppåt tio miljarder kronor för oss under två år, säger finansregionrådet. I kravet till regeringen vill regionen behålla bidraget på samma nivå under alla tre åren, eller att staten i stället går in med pengarna som Stockholm annars får punga ut.

secrets of grindea walkthrough treasure maps

Region Stockholm får bidrag under en treårsperiod för att lindra omställningen, men för varje år blir bidraget mindre. Huvudstadsregionen behöver dessutom skjuta till ännu mer pengar än förut, efter det att en del av utjämningssystemet gjordes om den 1 januari. – Det är orimligt att vi som ensam region ska bära hela utjämningssystemet på våra axlar när vi samtidigt ska betala tillbaka en vårdskuld och få ordning på ekonomin, säger Irene Svenonius. De stora vinnarna på systemet är glesbygdsregioner, medan Stockholm är den enda region som i helhet förlorar pengar.

secrets of grindea walkthrough treasure maps

– Vi är hårt drabbade och mitt i en pandemi.įinansregionrådet pratar om att få en lättnad i det nationella utjämningssystem där pengar omfördelas från rikare till fattigare regioner. – Det blir en alldeles för tung börda för stockholmarna att bära. Kravet skickas till regeringen på onsdagen och är signerat finansregionrådet Irene Svenonius (M). Huvudstadsregionen kräver nu att staten i stället står för stockholmarnas betalningar i utjämningssystemet. Looked really charming, supposed to be 2021.Region Stockholm vill slippa betala ut pengar till andra delar av landet på grund av coronakrisen. PC, Switch, and probably PS4, XB1 (again don't know about PS5/XBS).ĮDIT: Oh and I just remembered this life sim/RPG, that I saw in some Switch indie presentation. This one still seems a ways away, but maybe 2021 might happen. Supposed to have some nice exploration and puzzle solving elements. Monster taming RPG, but now with that 1920s cartoon vibe. PC, Switch, and probably PS4, XB1 (again don't know about PS5/XBS). Early Access currently has mixed reviews, but I'm still hoping they'll pull it together in the end. Harvest Moon/Rune Factory but with monster taming and multiplayer. Coming to PC, Switch, and probably PS4, XB1 (don't know about PS5/XBS). Lots of unique ways to fuse and crossbreed the monsters. Graphics of an old-school Pokemon game, with more of an open world design and dark story telling. First two are theoretically hitting full release in the coming months. Here are a few more monster-taming RPGs I've been following development of. After three years in exile, Cormac must return to Olmur to restore order in the kingdom and free his fellow captives under the power of Draddon.

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Wounded and almost dead, Cormac is helped by a mysterious being who takes him to a mythical island that is located on the outskirts of the kingdom. Draddon casts a powerful spell on the other members of the royal guard that allows him to control their minds and make them do their will. While Cormac is on the ground, unable to continue fighting, the other members of the royal guard enter the room, to be surrounded, Draddon decides to kill Cormac by throwing him out of one of the castle windows. The noise alerts Cormac who quickly goes to the room where the combat is taking place, but it's too late, King Launan is dead.Ĭormac faces Draddon, but all his efforts are useless, Draddon surpasses him in both strength and agility, during the confrontation Cormac loses his left arm. One day, Draddon, a former member of the royal guard infiltrates the castle and enters the room where King Launan is, after a short discussion, they both start fighting. The kingdom is currently governed by Launan Marfonth, who follows in the footsteps of his ancestors who have ruled these lands for centuries. Cormac is the commander of the royal guard, an elite force made up of the four most powerful warriors in the kingdom of Olmur.

Secrets of grindea walkthrough treasure maps